The Ocean
Thought Leaders

‘We have to move on what’s scalable right now. ‘There’s no time to lose.’
Höegh Autoliners CEO Andreas Enger explains the company’s rationale behind choosing ammonia to power the last

Transitioning through uncertainty: future-proof financing
Financing the transition of capital-intense maritime industries is challenging, especially within a climate of geopolitical uncertainty,

Future-proofing maritime won’t wait until tomorrow
The push towards decarbonisation is slowing down rather than speeding up. With ambitious global goals looming

The power of partnership – Euronext, Oslo Børs and Norway’s maritime cluster
The ringing of the Oslo Børs bell on Monday 5 June will be heard throughout the

Financing the future
Jan Ole Huseby, Head of Global Ocean Industries at DNB, one of the world’s leading ‘ocean

Committed to cleaner shipping
As the world’s leading supplier of marine coatings, Jotun partners with a broad range of stakeholders

Blowing the market wide open – KONGSBERG
KONGSBERG has the wind at its back. Geir Håøy, CEO, explains how renewable energy will power

Driving ambition – Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Lasse Kristoffersen, CEO at Wallenius Wilhelmsen, is on a mission. He doesn’t want to wait for shipping’s green transition, he wants to shape it – collaborating with likeminded partners to decarbonise supply chains and demonstrate possibilities, both with tech and new ways of working. Are you ready for transformation? Let’s roll…

Stability in an unstable world
With 126 years of industry experience behind it, Skuld, a world leading marine insurer, should have

Partnering on the pathways to tomorrow
Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO Maritime, DNV, says that while progress towards industry decarbonisation should be applauded, it