One of Nor-Shipping’s acknowledged strengths is its ability to attract, demonstrate and showcase the very latest maritime and ocean business innovations, from our most ambitious industry players. Wavefoil is a case in point.
This Norway-based outfit designs and manufactures retractable bow foils that reduce fuel consumption and ship motion in waves. Fuel savings for suitable ships are typically in the range of 5-15%, while ship motion can be reduced by 10-25%. Less sickness, enhanced safety, and greater operational efficiency – a win, win, win.
Here the team detail their Nor-Shipping 2022, including a high-profile award nomination, while looking forward to next year’s event in June.
If you’d like to join Wavefoil and book one of the remaining stands for Nor-Shipping 2023 please do get in touch soon.
Describe your Nor-Shipping 2022 experience in five words?
Inspiring, insightful, sustainable, awareness, meetings!

What was the highlight of Nor-Shipping 2022 for your company?
There was no one highlight; the entire experience was a four-day journey deep within the industry, with a constant flow of maritime actors and potential customers visiting our stand. This led to inspiring discussions, where our team and visitors shared insights related to the challenges of ship operations in heavy seas, and the opportunities for enhanced fuel efficiency and sustainability. In addition, we were nominated as one of the top four candidates for the Nor-Shipping Ocean Solutions Award 2021, which was a great honour.
What was the main focus of your Nor-Shipping activity?
Our main focus was meeting existing and potential customers and ship designers. We have a unique, proven solution that can contribute to the green shift our industry requires. The Wavefoil™ is already installed on four vessels, and performing well, but awareness of this kind of technological approach needs to grow. In that respect, we feel like we’re still missionaries working to spread the word about retractable bow foils – explaining how this solution will increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions, increase operational range, and boost safety and comfort.
What surprised you about Nor-Shipping 2022?
The level of overall activity, the atmosphere and the engaged, friendly people were not a surprise – but experiencing it again, and realising just how much we’d missed it, was!
Why is Nor-Shipping such an important fixture on the industry event calendar?
Because it’s managed, over the years, to establish a unique position as an arena for exchanging insight, addressing common challenges, discussing innovation, and sharing breakthrough ideas. It’s the place to see the ‘next big thing’ in maritime.
Apart from your own exhibition stand, was there another one that impressed you?
We can’t pick one, there were many! What we will say is that it was great to see such huge engagement around sustainability and green shipping throughout the halls and individual stands. This is a major shift… and it’s happened quickly!
What are your hopes and expectations for Nor-Shipping 2023?
As a small, but growing company, we expect to be even more visible at Nor-Shipping 2023. We also hope that the focus on green shipping continues to develop, and accelerate, to meet our industry’s, and society’s, ambitious climate goals.